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Interviews section has been added to our June issue. 

Read about what industry experts are saying about current automation issues. If your would like to be part of this new interactive media contact us.

Lots of new products, news releases and web site updates for June.

Our July issue will be the start of our third year online.

Automated Building Systems eDucation

Sensing the industry need for education we have replaced the Systems tab on our top menu bar with the word eDUCATE. The small e large D refers to our online education web presence like eCom. The Systems information has become a subset of eDUCATE.

The rapid changing Automated Building industry has always required that all players be constantly re-educating themselves to keep current, but never has there been a time when this is so important. 

Information in this new section is organized by Concept, Description, and Discussion. 

The major issue with educating ourselves is in being able to quickly identify what we know and what we do not. We hope that our format will allow you to identify quickly the concepts your understand and to move on to reading more concepts only clicking deeper when more information is required. The third dimension or the depth of the learning data is an incredible feature unique to online learning.

Please share this resource with your customers, clients, and support personnel. Help us build this resource by providing us your links to online Building Automation Education and Training sites. If you would like to link our new resource and eD the Learnasaurus to your web site see instructions on our eDucation page.

Our contributing editors have provided excellent articles for our May Issue. 

McGowan - Web-enabled Energy Education  
Demiano"Demand-Controlled Ventilation" (DCV) and Intake Rate Control  
Hartman - Tom was unable to provide an article but take a look on his web site at the Hartman Technical Resources Database

Industry advertising/sponsorship is an important part of overall content as it allows us to provide our services free. To keep our Global Automation presence very focused,  we approach only industry building automation players as sponsors and advertisers. In this way we eliminate the amount of non-related information presented to you. The Business to Business or B2B within the Building Automation Industry that occurs on our web site is becoming as important to our industry presence as "The Large Building Automation Online Resource".  Please welcome our newest sponsors.

HVAC Solution   Automatic, Dynamic, HVAC Schematics This is a Windows based HVAC engineering software tool for engineers and designers. HVAC calculations and practices are incorporated into a single software package.

Wanted: Building Automation and Control Contractors 
Wanted for acquisition by the building services division of a quality, growth oriented utility company  VykonÔ Building Automation Suite by Tridium Inc. allows companies to access and control their emerging and legacy building systems - regardless of manufacturer, platform or communication standard - all from a standard Web browser.  The Products Group of Siemens Building Technologies provides products to contractors, wholesalers, OEM’s, and independent dealers in the Americas Region.  

Are you having trouble keeping up with the evolving Network & Internet Standards?  We have created a section that has linkage to over 25 communication standards. Our Summary of New Industry Links allows you to quickly view who is new and happening. On Line eDUCATION Resources is just the start of what weI feel will grow to be a useful part of our site providing access to training for the industry. Scheduled Industry Courses has also been added. Looking for a job? or help for your company to grow? Dealers? checkout our free Want Ad Section

The July 2001 issue theme will be "This is IT" a quick view of the rapid migration towards Information Technology.   Please help me with your articles and products about our themes. 

The Sept 2001 issue theme with be "Industry Restructuring" and how our industry is restructuring in a new Virtual World.'s purpose is to connect our readers with timely and new information on any Buildings Automation subject, so as always we are interested in any of your articles, news, new products.

Check out the articles by our Contributing Editors Thomas HartmanJohn J "Jack" Mc Gowan, Leonard A. Damiano and Me

Be sure to check out this month's articles, new products and May's news releases. Our Reader Profile outlines who reads 

Previous Favorites is where we add the article most viewed in the previous issues.

March/April issue favorite was
Tracy Markie, Engenuity Systems Seamless Connectivity
January/February issue favorite was 
John J. "Jack" McGowan, CEM  Energy Control Inc. DDC's Future 1-01

[an error occurred while processing this directive]This is not just a spectator sport, please send your articles, new releases and new product information to us.  Click here to see article format

May's Articles

May's Product, Software and Web Site Reviews

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