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October theme; When Evolution Turns to Revolution
Defining the changes driving the self-learning edge revolution
Last month theme "The Self Learning Edge Revolution" has been well received and has
started some very interesting discussions, online on social media, and
off line in the coffee shops and back rooms of the industry. What are they
talking about? Are we really poised for revolution?
It has been observed that what we may be talking about is just an
extremely rapid evolution. Yes, that is correct, but when the blur of
this amazing rapid evolution catches our industry flat footed it looks
a lot like a revolution to those not keeping up with what is happening
in the world of IoT and self-machine learning.
With an empowered population participating in the self-learning edge
device maker culture, the movement has the feel of a revolution. The
DIY builder uses new open tools to bring ideas to fruition quickly and
a low cost, to keep the rapid evolution moving forward at a speed that
blurs into revolution.
Yikes, I was just talking last month, but several people are actually
doing what we are talking about. We have opened a lot of maker
and creator's doors and they are well into the creation of the new breed of
Self-Learning Edge products.
In the below article the spirit of the revolution is encapsulating in the quote "If you can dream it, you can do it"
Creators and Makers Once we have
tested and allowed a few of our friends to play with the controller we
will be looking to fund a much larger run with the final design.
Kickstarter or Indiegogo will be chosen to help us get the controller
out to more individuals.
So what are some of the changes driving the self-learning
edge revolution?
Stuff that is really open and available to all
that scales
on an IoT level. This allows makers rapidly
scalable development at low cost; things that have always presented a barrier to
our closed industry that is manipulated by a few.
Connection to the millennium maker culture we need to create an open path to our industry, we need to work hard to be openly accessible, not proprietary and completely closed, as we have in the past. Our future depends on our connection to new folks with new IoT ideas. The danger is if we are not involved they will engineer their own work a rounds our industry.
“Thin” cloud: builds applications on generic services, built-in integrations as-a-service to other products to allow leveraging by the maker culture.
"Thicker" cloud by majors example; GE and Bosch to create open-source industrial IoT platform https://www.siliconrepublic.com/machines/iiot-ge-bosch-open-source
Smart city Cities--new
and old, large and small--are looking for ways to differentiate
themselves and provide stimulating environments for their constituents
to generate economic wealth; be healthy and safe; learn and evolve;
have the cultural richness and sustainability; be productive; innovate; all
while staying environmentally conscientious.
Smart grid the
combined market for Energy Software in Smart Buildings (comprised of
Enterprise Energy Management, BECS Supervisory Software and Smart
Building to Smart Grid Interface Software) will rise to nearly $10Bn by
2020, with related software on the Smart Grid side growing at a healthy
12% CAGR to nearly $2bn by 2020.
Self or Machine
Learning This article explores
the significance and evolution of IoT edge analytics. Since the author
believes that hardware capabilities will converge for large vendors,
IoT analytics will be the key differentiator. PMML becomes important
for the ability to deploy models in multiple
locations: Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) PMML is an
XML-based predictive model interchange format. PMML provides a way for
analytic applications to describe and exchange predictive models
produced by data mining and machine learning algorithms. It supports
common models such as logistic regression and feedforwards neural
networks. (Wikipedia)
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In this review, I provide a summary with linkage to some resources Defining the changes driving the self-learning
edge revolution
While I am focused on industry trends that are close, Therese focuses on the
global parts or factors driving the bigger picture revolution. Climate Action, Digitalization and the Opportunity to Reenergize the Buildings Industry
always this new issue is an amazing collection of great articles,
columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady
stream of news depicting our rapid evolution turned revolutionary
journey to the self-learning edge.
Tell all our sponsors you saw their ads on the AutomatedBuildings.com
web site and thank them for supporting your free access to evolving
Automated Building Industry information. Click on their ads and view
their valuable products and services. Please review all Our
The news
just keeps flowing thru our web site and RSS feeds daily, and of course
the only way to truly find what you are looking for in the vast
quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine http://www.automatedbuildings.com/search/sitesearch.htm
As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event
calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.
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