Press Release - December 2001
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Circon Systems Announces Three New Products - Booth #4557

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New Terminal Unit Variable Air Volume Controller

RICHMOND, BC,  - Circon Systems Corporation, a solutions partner and manufacturer of integrated facility automation systems, announced the availability of the UHC-302, a terminal unit Variable Air Volume (VAV) controller. The UHC-302 complies with LonMark® interoperability guidelines and is designed for use in open, multi-vendor, interoperable LonWorks® networks. 

[an error occurred while processing this directive]BASIC Compiler Software

RICHMOND, BC,  - Circon Systems Corporation, a solutions partner and manufacturer of integrated facility automation systems, announced the availability of the Circon BASIC Compiler software a flexible and powerful programming tool. The Circon BASIC Compiler allows users to implement more complicated control sequences in conjunction with Circon's 300-series programmable LonWorks technology-based controllers.

Fully Programmable HVAC Controller

RICHMOND, BC,  - Circon Systems Corporation, a solutions partner and manufacturer of integrated facility automation systems, announced the availability of the UHC-300, a fully programmable HVAC controller. The UHC-300 complies with LonMark® interoperability guidelines and is designed for use in open, multi-vendor, interoperable LonWorks® networks. 

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