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Update of January 2001 "State-of-the-Art Capabilities in Building Automation" AHR Expo Session

Special AHR Show Preview for Automation Exhibitors to show featured products and provide news releases.

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You are your Virtual Image and it is inevitable that your Virtual Image and your real identity will become one.  If the last update of your web site was December 1998 you are now virtually dead. As the hewers of the new virtual world lead us into a "Java Jungle" or choose to "Flash Us", remember that your clients are simply looking for Content, Consistency, and Continuous access to the virtual you.  My November column in  Engineered Systems magazine provides insights on how we must stay plugged into being virtual.

Our contributing editors have been very busy each providing an excellent article for this month's issue.
Hartman  Designing Greener Buildings,  Mc Gowan  Control Synthesis 
Damiano  The Advantage of Direct Measurement for Ventilation's presentation "The Only Thing Constant is Change" at Andover's WW Meeting 2000 (Marco Island) expanded on concepts from our Articles and Columns.  Focus was on The Net Effect, forging Velcro Relationships and Cloud Control.  We were not able to tell the Andover folks anything about ecom as over 40% of their orders are processed this way. Lots of new web based products were presented plus a lot of well founded excitement about their new merger with a leader in digital video technology Integral Technologies

Please welcome our newest advertiser Building Automation Products, Inc. (BAPI) specializes as a manufacturer of sensors for the commercial heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) industry.

In an effort to bring our virtual images to you faster through reduced load time we have divided The Automator home page in two. Editorial/Articles/Reviews are now on one page and Headlines, News Briefs, plus New Products are on another. 

Are you having trouble keeping up with the evolving Network & Internet Standards?  We have created a new section that has linkage to over 25 communication standards. Our Summary of New Industry Links allows you to quickly view who is new and happening. On Line Training and Information Resources is just the start of what I feel will grow to a useful part of our site providing access to training for the industry. Scheduled Industry Courses has also been added.

State of the Art - AHR Expo AtlantaOur January 2001 AHR Show issue theme will be "State-of-the-Art Capabilities in Building Automation" Please help me determine what this might mean. Share your thoughts with our readership and session attendees on this subject.'s purpose is to connect our readers with timely and new information on any automation subject, so share any of your articles, news, new products with us. 

The December and January Building Automation columns in Engineered Systems will provide you more information on the "State-of-the-Art Capabilities in Building Automation"  Sessions at AHR Expo Atlanta, Jan 2001.

 We will be running a special AHR Show News Release Section in both our December 2000 and January 2001 issues. This presents an excellent opportunity to preview your products and concepts so our readers can visit your booth with some insight. If you are not able to be at the show this also offers a opportunity to reach that market virtually.

Check out the articles by our Contributing Editors Thomas HartmanJohn J "Jack" Mc Gowan, Leonard A. Damiano and Me

Be sure to check out this month's articles, new products and November's news releases.  Our Reader Profile outlines who reads 

Previous Favorites is where we add the article most viewed in the previous issues.

September/October issue favorite was Jack McGowan, Hydroscope Inc, USA
DDC the question really: BACnet
or LonWorks™? 
- July/August issue favorite was Tom Hartman, The Hartman Company
The "COMFORT INDUSTRY" a 21st Century Opportunity
- May/June issue favorite was
Earl Gray, Control Contractors, Inc
Achieving Control System Independence - Controls Computers and Standards

- March/April issue favorite was
John Petze, Andover Controls Corporation
The Benefits of Ethernet to Building Automation 
- January/February issue favorite was Tom Hartman's
HVAC Control: An Essay on Change 
- November/December issue favorite was
Are Automated Buildings Converging or Colliding with the Internet?
- September/October issue favorite was
Notifact Systems'
Combining Wireless Technology and Internet -- Seamlessly
- July/August issue favorite was Tom Hartman's great article prepared for our official launch.
Network Control: A New Paradigm For HVAC

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