October 2009


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    Ken Sinclair

Editorial Comments by Ken Sinclair          Editor/Owner, AutomatedBuildings.com


Information, Integration, and Transformation

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All the articles, interviews and columns in this month's issue reverberate our theme “Information, Integration, and Transformation” which was taken from Rick Huijbregts, Vice President, Vertical Industries Cisco Canada article   The Real Value of Building Information, Integration and Transformation, that speaks of how Collaboration and communication has been re-defined, and video and mobility are some of the key instigators. Be sure to watch the youtube on this. Also I am very pleased with this comment. "Please keep reading our contributions to AutomatedBuildings.com as we explore the transformation of real estate over IP-based building networks."

Marc Petock Vice President Global Marketing & Communications of Tridium, Inc. an early adopter and implementer of these concepts reminds us "The biggest challenge currently facing existing buildings in reducing energy usage is the lack of manageability for efficiency and critical information about operating systems" in his article The Niagara Framework® and Energy.

Roy Kok of Kepware Technologies tells us how a OPC Server is able to communicate with a variety of automation protocols to help create Arizona State University’s energy monitoring system in his article ASU Gets Greener through Visibility

David Wolins, CEO, Scientific Conservation, Inc. (SCI) chimes in with "All automation systems deployed in the future will require data streams containing all available performance characteristics of a piece of equipment be made available to the customer in a highly useable format." in his article The Emergence of Proactive Building Management Automation

Our other articles speak well to our theme as do our columns, interviews, and reviews.

October Interviews:
IT and Facilities Managers Working Together  Jill Eckhaus,  CC-Link Communication Network  Charles Lukasik  OPC Foundation North American Certification Test Lab  Nathan Pocock & Manny Mandrusiak  State of the Electronic Cable Industry  André Sabourin Creating a Safe, Sustainable Community  Joy Clarke-Holmes

October Columns:
Understanding Specifications (Part 2 of 3) Steven R. Calabrese,  OPC and PROFINET technologies combine Manny Mandrusiak, Smart Buildings Meet the Smart Grid  Paul Ehrlich & Ira Goldschmidt, BACnet Triple Play  Andy McMillan

October Reviews: Successful Buildings under Control™  &  Across my desk

AHR Expo 2010We have already been busy planning our AHR Expo 2010 Educations Sessions
Be sure to read our sneak

Please welcome our newest sponsor:  BAS Services & Graphics, LLC. proudly presents The basAhuMaker; a faster and efficient way of AHU designing.

We welcome return advertiser - QA Graphics is a leader in the building control industry; providing energy efficiency education display dashboards, 3D symbol libraries, 3D design, and graphic outsourcing.

The news just keeps flowing thru our web site and RSS feeds daily, and of course the only way to truly find what you are looking for in the vast quantity of information on our site is with our site search engine http://www.automatedbuildings.com/search/sitesearch.htm

As always lots of new products, plus be sure to check our event calendar to see the number of events we have in our future.

Several of our advertisers have provided links to their very informative newsletters and blogs please check them out.

Tell our sponsors you saw their ad on the AutomatedBuildings.com web site and thank them for supporting your free access to evolving Automated Building Industry information. Click on their ads and view their valuable products and services. Please review all Our Sponsors. 

It is a great time to be in the news business for our industry. 

Send comments and suggestions to news@automatedbuildings.com


September 2009“with our feet on the ground and our heads in the cloud”

Our last few issues have been pointed toward the cloud and all of its power and how this will revolutionize our industry. It is very important that while we understand our new found powers that we keep our feet on the ground and connect this cloud to real applications and real people. Once you get it and start bantering with your fellow "cloudys" you will find that when you talk to normal folks (your clients) whose heads are not clouded you talk funny.....real funny. Take the time to explain how the connections to the concepts of SaaS, ACC, Smart Grid etc are affordable and real. Do not speak in AAA's ( Annoying Arrogant Acronyms) share your decoder ring with your audience and try to speak English the best you can. We are all ambassadors from the cloud and our future depends on our ability to walk in with our feet on the ground and talk about successes and working examples of cloud connections.

In Gordon Holness', presidential address to ASHRAE members "Sustaining Our Future By Rebuilding Our Past" which deals with Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings he states in his conclusion; "We need to remind ourselves that today we are in a virtual world. We are in the era of iPhones and Yahoo, of Google Earth and Wikipedia, of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. If we want to continue to be leaders in this industry, we must deliver the goods today, Tomorrow is not good enough."

Gordon' s background in Building Information Modeling BIM and Interoperability has provided him great insight into the power of the future to solve the problems of the past. Change is everywhere and Tomorrow is not good enough.

Our articles have today's solutions and Sarah Erdman of Quality Automation Graphics in her article Energy Dashboards Inform and Educate shows us with pictures and powerful graphics how to stop talking funny while showing your stuff and even flings a few AAA's at us but provides good definition.

Lots of great articles in this issue: Bringing BIG Building Automation to The Small Building Market Trevor Palmer, Viconics; Pneumatic Energy Savings Control  George Fincher, Energy Controls Co.; Smart or Dumb Meters Mark Hunter, ION Controls;  How Do We Measure The Performance Of A Building? Jim Sinopoli, Smart Buildings LLC;  The Price of Energy Toby Considine, Smart Grid, Standards; Brivo ACS Webservice™ Deployed in Project Upgrade Bruce J. Doneff, Brivo Systems, LLC; Hey, Don't Take My Word For It… Robert Beverly, Engineered Systems; Brivo ACS Webservice™ Deployed in Project Upgrade Bruce J. Doneff, Brivo Systems, LLC; Building Cloud Connections Ken Sinclair, www.AutomatedBuildings.com

September Columns:  BACnet … from the Outside In  Andy McMillan;  Collaborative Energy  Toby Considine;  The Coming Evolution of BAS DesignPaul Ehrlich & Ira Goldschmidt; Understanding Specifications  Steven R. Calabrese;  OPC Technology finds its’ place on the map  Manny Mandrusiak

September Interviews:  The Multi Protocol Router  David Oshoway;  Smart Building Product Ratings Jim Sinopoli; Energy Storage  Mark M. MacCracken

September Reviews:  Wailing of Wireless Woes  “Digital Signage is a Vortex”

Please welcome our newest sponsors:

ION Controls  offering Freedom through Openness, with free issue CreatION and ION Core graphical authoring and programming applications for the BACnet, Modbus, OPC capable ION SuperVZR Web Server and low-cost ION Micron controllers.

Energy Controls Co.  The PESC-F100 Pneumatic Energy Savings Control is an alternative to costly DDC retrofits of pneumatic systems which can cost $2000/Zone. PESC-F100 costs 1/4 of the price. To become a dealer www.energy-controls.com

We welcome return advertiser - Quality Automation Graphics is a leader in the building control industry; providing energy efficiency education display dashboards, 3D symbol libraries, 3D design, and graphic outsourcing.

Tell our sponsors you saw their ad on the AutomatedBuildings.com web site and thank them for supporting your free access to evolving Automated Building Industry information. Click on their ads and view their valuable products and services. Please review all Our Sponsors. 

It is a great time to be in the news business for our industry. 

Send comments and suggestions to news@automatedbuildings.com


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