July 2009


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My Takeaways from ConnectivityWeek

  Ken Sinclair

ConnectivityWeek was a great event - the largest ever registration in spite of a tough economy. Many new partners created an increased impact energy solutions plus the overall organization and connectivity of our industry.

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After each year's event I try to list my takeaways of the things that significantly impacted, impressed me and are likely to change my future.

1.  YoungEnergy.org panel   Young Energy Panel

The center stage presentation of the YoungEnergy.org panel impressed me the most as this ad hoc panel of folks of less than thirty years convinced us all that the kids are OK!, and that our future in their hands will be great. The diversity of their backgrounds was truly amazing as were their presentation skills. Our last month's theme of the Power of the People was ratified in their presentations. To move to the next level we must share our knowledge of the industry with YoungEnergy and IT folks who can add value with simplification of presentation and connectivity of our industry. I am committed to the support of YoungEnergy endeavors whatever they may be and suggest that our industry leaders provide mentoring in their particular field of expertise.

Young Energy Group and Gordon Holness

In this picture YoungEnergy.org meets Classic Energy
 Gordon Holness, President Elect of ASHRAE who shared his wisdom.

Read Brad's interview to get a sense of the engagement that occurred from all Young Energy folks

Reflections on ConnectivityWeek  Brad White

Open Automation Object Model  Alper Uzmezler, BAS Services & Graphics, LLC.

Alper was originally unsure he would be able to attend CW but put his life on hold to come late but to add to the YoungEnergy group and is not in the picture but as you can see by his article of last month and his reaction to the stuff he saw at CW he is positioned to change the industry. Go Alper go!

For more insight on Young Energy read these interviews from last month;   www.YoungEnergy.org Interviews
Smart Grid is an Enabler  James Bickford,  Distributed PV Generation & The Smart Grid Lon Huber
Pillars of a Third Industrial Revolution
  Drew Johnston,  Development of a Smart Grid  Brad White

Future of Building Automation
Alper Uzmezler, BAS Services & Graphics, LLC.

2. Kimon Onuma

Kimon taught us to not be afraid of too much data, never throw it away, just simply look for new methods to manage it. One of the leading architects / technologists using Building Information Modeling since 1994 Onuma lectures worldwide on integration, open standards and BIM. The BIMstorm presentation made a huge impression on me and set my mind reeling as to what a Connectivitystorm with real time grid and building data might look like. If you have never see a BIMstorm ( Building Information Model ) brainstorm you must. It will alter your approach to problems by showing you the power that resides in the clouds.

Be sure to read this month's article BIMStorm® brings Cloud Computing to ConnectivityWeek
Kimon Onuma, FAIA, ONUMA, Inc. &  Michael Bordenaro, BIM Education Co-op

Go to http://www.connectivityweek.com/2009/#speaker_1645 to review Kimon's presentation.

Kimon Onuma

3.  Ed Richards has penetrated the Cisco Castle walls

Ed Richards and his mediator has penetrated the Cisco Castle walls providing an internal connection for most standards used in our industry to allow seamless connection to the networking giant. It was great to see that Cisco appears to be supporting Ed's journey to the inner working of Cisco. My takeway is to watch this space closely in the future. Cisco's lead in development of the VOIP model will help begat the totally connected Enernet.

Network Architecture WAN

To catch up on Ed and Cisco's plans http://www.connectivityweek.com/2009/#speaker_1741

Ed's head is for sure in the clouds with concepts both north and south of the cloud.

4.  Bob Metcalfe

Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2).

I had never heard a speaker that had his own law but Bob Metcalfe proved in an inspiring presentation why he is Mr Internet and how the evolution of the Enernet will change everything.

Bob Metcalfe

Internet lessons for solving energy.
Beware hardening of the categories, for example: voice, video, and data then vs. feed, food, and fuel now. Long term, technology ceilings matter more than floors -- there is time for science. We used the Internet to build the Internet, so let’s use the Internet to solve energy. History teaches that conservation is not what Enernet will be about. Like information and bandwidth, we need energy and power in squanderable abundance, to spread freedom and prosperity.

The color green has baggage, a poor choice for Enernet, which has become an Internet-like movement. We need Enernet laws -- like Grosch’s, Moore’s, Grove’s, Metcalfe’s -- to set Enernet’s agenda. Expect surprises, like PCs and mobility. Expect silver bullets, like TCP/IP, Ethernet, WWW, and DWDM. To see what you missed review Bob's presentation


5. I left ConnectivityWeek with my head in a cloud

I left ConnectivityWeek with my head in a cloud but I now understand the power of clouds and do not fear them because I use them daily to book air flights, Google stuff, and generally find my way on the internet. I now have a new understanding of the power and potential simplification of uncharted connectivity to anything.....actually everything. The clouds are open and scalable and are my new tool set. That is a big takeaway and was a common theme to all my other takeaways.

Last year's 2008 Takeaways



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