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July - Enlightenment of our Renaissance July Editorial Enlightenment of our Renaissance. Jane Sinclair, Chief Managing Editor/Co-Founder Ken Sinclair, Founder, Owner, Publisher Editor Articles COVID-19 and the way forward Pook-Ping Yao, CEO, Optigo Networks Don’t Tell Me What You Can’t Do Marc Petock, Marketing Lynxspring Editor Benefits with Digital Twins Nicolas Waern, WINNIIO Editor The Data Privacy Debate James McHale, Managing Director, Memoori Looking to Hire or Get Hired? Skip Freeman, BASI Solutions, Inc. Reinvention, Rebirth, Renaissance Emma Eynon, Co-founder, Fantom Factory Haystack Connections PDF Spring 2020 John Petze, Executive Director, Marc Petock, Executive Secretary, Project Haystack From Y2K to 2020 Click on 3D for a fly over - a blur of our past 20 years OVER 200 articles CHAPTERS of OUR NEVER ENDING BOOK Timeline SMART BUILDING AUTOMATION EVOLUTION Mobile Friendly Menu |
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